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If used during a training session, please give attribution to the Police Dynamics Institute and reference this website.

Ethics v. Character

Ethics and character are related yet distinct concepts. There are some subtle differences that are actually quite profound. Ethics has to do with rules: do this or don't do that. We often say "ethical rules of conduct." Character, on the other hand, has to do with how we treat others. It takes the concept of ethics to a whole new level. In this illustration, I show how ethics and character differ. We can be ethical and still demonstrate bad character.
Runtime - 5:34

The Highest Ideal 
of Law Enforcement

"Bringing peace out of disorder" is the highest ideal of law enforcement*. Why are some officers so good at it and others such problem children? In this episode from the Police Dynamics archives, we explore why character (or the lack thereof) is at the root of this issue.
*Hat tip to the late Dr. George Thompson of the Verbal Judo Institute for giving me this definition.
Runtime - 2:57

The Tarnished Badge

I really dug back into the archives to bring you this video produced by the Character Training Institute. I still use it in Police Dynamics training over 20 years later!
The police badge is a symbol of public trust. We expect the badge to be returned one day worn, but never tarnished by unethical, illegal, or immoral behavior. This badge was worn by one of my deputy sheriffs who was actually arrested for distribution of marijuana. It was returned tarnished and is no longer fit to be issued to any other law enforcement officer...

Runtime - 1:39

The Character Maxim

"If you focus on achievement 
to the exclusion of character, 
you inadvertently encourage 
bad character." -
the Character Maxim

We live in a very achievement-oriented society and work in a very achievement-oriented profession. But what role does character play and why is it so much more important than achievement? In this episode from my hooch in Kabul, Afghanistan, I explain why...

Runtime - 3:43

Making the Grade

Years ago, I was asked to be the guest host of a local talk radio show in Charleston, SC*. Filling three hours of talk time was a bit intimidating to me, so the regular host suggested I talk about the character-based principles I had been teaching as Police Dynamics and implementing at the Sheriff's Office. It sparked a really interesting phone call from a listener that drove home the point of character being more important than achievement. And how focusing on achievement to the exclusion of character can actually produce bad character!
I hope you enjoy this training video from the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs...

*Hat tip to Rocky D. The Uncrowned Prince of talk radio!
Runtime -4:05

The Definition of Policing
This video from the Police Dynamics archives was recorded in Cancun, Mexico. In it, I explore the dictionary definition of the word "policing." The definition might surprise you. But it has great ramifications for us at it relates to our professional ethics and overall approach to accomplishing the police mission.
Runtime - 3:14

Sierra Leone Police

Shortly after my retirement as Sheriff in Dorchester County, SC, I had the distinct privilege of training the  national police and military in East African country of Sierra Leone. One of the students, Inspector Gusman, explains the impact the Police Dynamics program had on him and his agency.
Runtime - 3:20

Communicating the Standard

In this excerpt from the Polishing the Tarnished Badge series provided to the National Sheriff's Association, Franklin Smith explains the powerful principle of character recognition. A failure to clearly articulate a standard is a leadership failure. So law enforcement leaders must be particularly careful to communicate standards and expectations clearly and unambiguously. The full Polishing the Tarnished Badge training series is available in the Members Area.
Runtime - 9:13

The Centurion Story
I never tire of telling the story of the Centurion chronicled in Matthew, chapter 8. It remains the linchpin of the Centurion Principles of Police Dynamics because it so clearly illustrates the principle of operating "under authority." I filmed this teaching in Capernaum, at the very site where the Centurion lived, standing in the ruins of the synagogue that he had built for the Jews. Pay no attention to the man in the yellow hat...
Runtime - 4:13

Four-Wheel Drive Policing 
Coactive Policing can be compared to a four-wheel drive vehicle. When all the wheels are pulling together in the same direction, the vehicle can cover some difficult terrain. In the same way, a community that pulls together can overcome many community problems related to crime, fear of crime, and neighborhood decay and disorder. I used the opportunity of our jeep tour in Wadi Rum, Jordan to illustrate this principle.
Runtime - 2:59

The Importance of Morale
Law enforcement leaders and supervisors often underappreciate  the power of morale. We know that morale and performance are intricately linked. So, if you want to build a high-performance team, you must concern yourself with morale. The best, and often over-looked, way of improving morale is by showing genuine appreciation of the other person's character. In other words, by Making the Character Connection.
Runtime - 1:01

E5 Leadership
I used the opportunity of visiting the George Washington House on the island nation of Barbados to bring you this overview of the E (E to the 5th Power) Leadership program. There are five essential leadership principles:
    1 - Establish the Standard
    2 - Embrace the Standard
    3 - Encourage the Standard
    4 - Embody the Standard
    5 - Enforce the Standard

A more extensive version of this training series will soon be available in the Members Area.
Runtime - 4:00

Authentic Leadership
Dan Weigold, known as the Coach with a Heart, allowed me to share a blog post regarding Authentic Leadership. It ties in perfectly with the character-based principles of leadership found in the Police Dynamics program.
Runtime - 6:21

Roll Call Character Briefing
OK, so it's a little corny. But here is a re-enactment we did at the Sheriff's Office showing how quick and easy it is to incorporate a character briefing at roll call. 
Special recognition goes to the skinny officer in the front row. That's Deputy Mike Deese who was killed in a tragic traffic accident, along with his K-9 partner, while I was Sheriff. In retrospect, he really embodied the virtue of Responsibility.
Runtime - 1:52

Dynamic of Authority
Another video from deep in our archives (as you can tell by my youthful appearance...) This excerpt from the Police Dynamics video training series is an overview of the Dynamic of Authority, a central teaching in the Police Dynamics program. So many of our officers get in trouble by drifting "out from under authority" as they seek to accomplish their own goals, express their own opinions, and otherwise satisfy their own egos. Virtually every instance of police misconduct can be traced back to a violation of this principle.
The entire training segment is available in our Members Area.

Runtime - 4:33

Dynamic of Character
Another preview from our archives. The Dynamic of Character is also an essential teaching. Making the Character Connection by recognizing someone's character as opposed to their achievement is a fundamental paradigm shift that will make you a better officer, a better supervisor, and a better parent.
Runtime - 4:33

I hope you enjoyed these free training videos from our archives. There are over 100 others waiting for you in our Members Area, along with interactive forums, online courses, and additional professional development resources. Plus additional content is added as it is developed. Please consider joining as a full-fledged member to access the other training materials. You can join now at a special introductory rate of $47 per year with full access to our library of training videos. Plus, you can fully evaluate the site for 14 days without risk. Simply ask for a refund and it will be processed, no questions asked. Click on the membership link now to join up today...

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